Saturday, May 21, 2022

When foreign shutdowns cripple spare parts supply for LRT services


From JD Lovrenciear

If the disruption in the light rail transit (LRT) transportation services being experienced in Malaysia does not rudely awaken us, nothing else will.

When China shuts down its factories in Shanghai, critical spare parts supplies to keep our trains running get disrupted.

Mind you no one is talking about the spare parts supplies for private and commercial motor vehicles either.

The food supply chain disruptions arising from delays along shipping routes all across the globe has forced many able governments to draw up fast-tracked, short- and mid-term strategies to protect their citizens.

If food supply chains can be severely affected, why are we in Malaysia not even talking about strategies to address the supplies of motor vehicle and public transportation spare parts.

If an LRT service can be hampered by a sudden shortage or non-availability of a steady supply of maintenence spare parts, have we asked how do we ensure the safety of all other modes of transport, including maintenance parts and supplies for defence vehicles?

Will the government address these symbiotically related and connected problems ranging from food and fertiliser imports, spare parts manufactured overseas, and the need to ensure our public air, sea and road transportation, as well as defence, is not hampered?

Or shall we live on by the infamous culture of “Tutup satu mata” - FMT

JD Lovrenciear is an FMT reader.

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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