Tuesday, June 28, 2022

MP urges cops to expedite probe into alleged bank fraud in Klang

The police have been urged to expedite an ongoing investigation into the alleged misappropriation of funds by a bank employee in Klang.

In a statement today, Klang MP Charles Santiago (above) said this is to ensure that the involved parties can be prosecuted and consumer rights are protected.

He stressed that the victims primarily comprised of elderly folks and pensioners who saved for educational and medical purposes, as well as for their daily upkeep.

The lawmaker also urged the police to clarify whether the investigation will be focused on the accused bank officers or the entire banking institution itself.

“This is to ensure the possibility of negligence or fraud can be taken immediately to ensure the safety of depositors' savings.

“The bank involved and Bank Negara Malaysia should also take this issue seriously as well as learn lessons to strengthen the trust of depositors and to ensure good governance in each banking agency,” said Charles.

This was said in response to a June 27 statement from the Selangor police saying that the case was being investigated by Bukit Aman’s Commercial Crime Investigation Department (CCID) under Section 408 of the Penal Code - for alleged criminal breach of trust.

The probe was also being conducted under Section 4(1) of the Anti-Money Laundering, Anti-Terrorism Financing And Proceeds of Unlawful Activities Act 2001.

According to the police, an investigation paper will be sent to the Attorney-General’s Chambers upon the completion of the probe.

Lost millions of ringgit

Some 40 bank customers had fallen victim to a scam allegedly orchestrated by a banking employee over the course of the Covid-19 pandemic.

It is believed that the victims claimed to have collectively lost millions of ringgit as a result of the fraud.

The accused employee’s modus operandi was to withdraw the savings of his clients without their knowledge, forging signatures and keeping their bank books throughout this period.

While the case was first flagged in January this year, complaints on the case had only reached the Klang MP’s office on March 24.

Based on a letter written by Charles to the bank branch that same week, the accused employee had convinced customers to sign up for an investment scheme with the promise of large returns.

Malaysiakini had sighted a copy of one of the police reports made against the bank employee.

When contacted, a spokesperson from the bank said they were aware of the news articles that have recently been published on the matter but are not in a position to comment on them. - Mkini

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