Thursday, June 2, 2022

Pushing for polls during inflation is selfish, Nazri pans Umno comrades

Politicians pushing for the next general election when the country is facing inflation are just selfish and do not think of the rakyat, Padang Rengas MP Nazri Abdul Aziz said.

Speaking to Malaysiakini, the seasoned politician said he fully supports Prime Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob, who stated in an interview that he would wait for "the right time" to call an election, citing economic concerns.

"I agree with the prime minister. Our main interest now is the plight of the rakyat, and we all know there is inflation now, so we have to put the rakyat first.

"We need to find ways to overcome inflation and make sure the rakyat have money to put bread on their tables.

"That is more important than to be selfish politically, thinking this is the right time to have an election," Nazri said when contacted on Tuesday by Malaysiakini for his comments on the calls for an early GE15.

In a recent interview with the financial newspaper Nikkei, Ismail Sabri reportedly downplayed calls for an early election, which came from within his own party Umno.

Prime Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob

On this, Nazri, who is also from Umno, panned his comrades who believe that now was the right time to call for the general election as the opposition parties were in disarray and Umno had the momentum from recent winning streaks.

"If that is the way you think, that inflation is not a serious matter, an election is more important, that is being selfish.

"The MPs from both sides are now supporting the PM, so there is no valid reason at all to go for election.

"How is it that MPs from the other divide support the PM, but the PM's own party doesn't support him?

"They are not thinking for the country as a whole," Nazri said.

‘Call for election when the time is up’

Under the current economic condition, he added, the country should be prepared to delay the election further, even up till the end of the current Parliament's term.

Nazri said when the time is up, and the election is to be called, Umno would not be blamed.

"If we have to go right to the end, we just need to go. Because our priority is the rakyat, to bring down inflation.

"For as long as this is not done, there is no valid reason to hold the election. But in a year's time, we can't hold anymore, and constitutionally we can't go beyond five years. But that is mandatory, if we hold the general election also, no one can blame us.

"We have to do this as a responsible government, not as selfish politicians," Nazri added. - Mkini

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