Saturday, July 30, 2022

Reduce number of offences under Sosma, says activist


Border security forces on patrol. The Sosma law against terrorism allows for detention of suspects for up to 28 days. (Bernama pic)

PETALING JAYA: A human rights organisation has called for a reduction of offences under the Sosma security law in view of the recent extension of a pre-trial detention clause under the act.

Charles Hector of Malaysians Against Death Penalty and Torture said the list of offences under Sosma should be limited to those that cause harm or death until the law was abolished.

On Tuesday, the Dewan Rakyat approved the extension of a clause which enables police to detain a person suspected of being involved in terrorist activities for a period not exceeding 28 days for investigations.

The clause was set to expire on July 31. It was approved in the Dewan Rakyat by 111 to 88, with 21 abstentions, and received approval of the Senate a day later.

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Hector said the extension of the clause risked further possibilities of torture and abuse during detention, citing previous cases of deaths in custody.

He said the Sosma law undermines the court’s power to grant or dismiss a remand order, which he said was a crucial check and balance to prevent or reduce police brutality. - FMT

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