Monday, August 29, 2022



Humans have been growing grapes as early as 6500 BC and in the mythology of several cultures, this fruit symbolizes abundance and fertility. In addition to being downright gorgeous - and the main ingredient in our wine - grapes offer a number of health benefits. 

Grapes Are Rich in Nutrients.

One cup of grapes provides about a quarter of your daily vitamin C needs, nearly 20% for vitamin K and at least 10% for copper. In addition to supporting immunity, vitamin C is needed for DNA repair and the production of both collagen and serotonin. 

Vitamin C also helps significantly boost the absorption of iron from plant foods; a higher blood level of vitamin C is tied to increased fat burning, both during exercise and at rest. Vitamin K is required for bone formation, and a shortfall is linked to increased fracture risk.

Copper plays a role in energy production, plus the formation of collagen and red blood cells. Grapes also provide smaller amounts of several key nutrients, including B vitamins, potassium, and manganese.

Grapes supports immunity.

In addition to the aforementioned vitamins C and A, which are both vital for immunity, grapes support the immune system through their natural anti-microbial properties. A one-cup portion also supplies about two and a half ounces of water, which is important for hydration, circulation and healthy blood flow, and waste elimination.

Grapes provide anti-ageing antioxidants.

Many studies link the antioxidants of grapes to several health benefits. Grapes contain several different antioxidants, including types known to decrease inflammation and support healthy blood flow. Grape antioxidants are also linked to better brain function (including memory and learning), anti-ageing and overall longevity. The quercetin in black and red grapes has been shown to protect against neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease. Quercetin has also been linked to apoptosis, the self-destruct sequence the body uses to kill off worn-out or dysfunctional cells.

Grapes may help you get a good night's sleep.

The natural melatonin in grapes is linked to longer and better-quality sleep. That is key since insomnia affects a third of the population and sleep deprivation is tied to a number of health risks - including depression, type-2 diabetes, heart disease and obesity.

Grapes helps improve heart health.

Grapes are heart-healthy in a number of ways. They have been shown to fend off artery hardening, reduce blood pressure, improve circulation, curb blood clotting and lower inflammation. Research indicates that grapes also help reduce cholesterol by decreasing the absorption of the compound into the blood.

Grapes protects vision health.

The lutein and zeaxanthin in grapes protect the retina and eye lens. They have been shown to increase visual range; lessen discomfort from glare; enhance visual contrast and reduce the time it takes the eyes to recover from the stress of bright lights. The dynamic duo also helps lower the risk of macular degeneration and cataracts, two common eye disorders.

Grapes aid digestive health.

Grapes are not spectacularly high in fibre, with one cup supplying one to two grams. But, the fibre and fluid in grapes help support bowel regularity and grape polyphenols work to positively transform gut bacteria in ways that benefit health. These may include the flourishing of microbes tied to stronger immunity and a positive mood.

As usual, we remind you to take your Memo Plus Gold daily. It will help to keep you alert and mentally sharp. For more information or to order for Memo Plus Gold, please visit :

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