Thursday, September 1, 2022

211 employers arrested for sheltering undocumented migrants


Those found guilty of harbouring undocumented migrants could be fined up to RM50,000, sentenced to prison or whipped.

PETALING JAYA: The immigration department has arrested 211 employers for sheltering and employing undocumented migrants from the start of the year until Aug 29.

Immigration director-general Khairul Dzaimee Daud said the arrests were made after his department conducted 5,416 operations nationwide during that period, Utusan Malaysia reported.

The majority of the 211 employers were locals, with three from Pakistan, one from the Philippines and one from Vietnam as well as a South Korean national, he said.

In comparison, a total of 389 employers were arrested throughout the entire of last year while 206 employers were arrested in 2020 for similar offences.

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Those found guilty of sheltering or employing undocumented migrants can be fined up to RM50,000 according to Section 56(1)(d) of the Immigration Act 1959/63 and Section 55B of the same Act.

“In addition to the fines, offenders can also be sentenced to prison or given six strokes of the cane if convicted,” Khairul said.

He said the immigration department had also arrested 13,524 migrants between Jan 1 and Aug 29. The largest number of migrants detained were from Indonesia (6,048) followed by Myanmar (2,093), Bangladesh (1,732), Thailand (969), the Philippines (718), India (555), Pakistan (366), Cambodia (253), Nepal (246), and Vietnam (235), among other countries.

Khairul said strict action will be taken against anyone found harbouring or employing undocumented migrants. - FMT

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