Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Don’t try to pit Bersatu against coalition partners, Waytha told


Bersatu Supreme Council member Razali Idris (left) warned P Waytha Moorthy against interfering in matters of other parties.

PETALING JAYA: A Bersatu leader has hit out at P Waytha Moorthy for saying the recent animosity between Prime Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob and Muhyiddin Yassin may see the latter’s party withhold support for Budget 2023.

Bersatu Supreme Council member Razali Idris warned the former national unity minister against interfering with matters of other parties or instigating tension between Bersatu and other parties in the government.

“(His) accusations are baseless and only pit the leaders of the ruling parties (against one another),” he told FMT.

“All MPs, including those from Bersatu, act professionally when it comes to the budget since it is for the people’s wellbeing. We cannot simply withhold our support.”

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Razali, a Senator, also said Bersatu’s top leaders had never discussed withholding support for Budget 2023, which will be tabled in the Dewan Rakyat on Oct 7.

On Sept 19, Muhyiddin said a general election should be held so the people could elect a capable government if Ismail could not manage the economy and country well.

The former prime minister noted that the falling ringgit, rising inflation and current economic climate had hit Malaysians hard, while the B40 income group had effectively turned into the B60.

On Monday, Waytha said Muhyiddin’s recent “declaration of war” against BN clearly indicated that Bersatu did not have confidence in Ismail’s government.

The president of the Malaysian Advancement Party said this indicated there was no guarantee Bersatu would support the annual federal budget. - FMT

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