Thursday, October 27, 2022

A fond farewell to Damansara


From Tony Pua

Friends, supporters, ladies and gentlemen,

For the last 15 years, I have dedicated my life wholeheartedly to playing my role as your MP, previously in Petaling Jaya Utara, now in Damansara, both in the opposition and in government. I don’t think anyone will be able to dispute my contributions to the party and to the cause.

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Unfortunately, this chapter will now come to an inevitable end. As some might know, as far back as four or five years ago, I had intended the (recent) term in Parliament to be my final term as an elected representative. So it pains me to officially announce that I will not be contesting in the upcoming general election.

Loke Siew Fook, Gobind Singh Deo and many other leaders have done their part to try and persuade me to continue. But it is my decision, and mine alone, made many years ago to step down from the electoral frontlines.

However, this has nothing to do with the fact that I still believe in the cause, that I still believe in change and, most importantly, that Malaysia can do it, Malaysia Kita Boleh. I will not be disappearing into the horizon and sail far, far away into the sunset.

I am well aware of my strengths, and my weaknesses, and I will utilise my strengths to continue helping the party achieve our goals. For this election, I’m fully involved in assisting the party’s publicity machinery and its fund-raising campaigns.

Going forward, I’m more than happy to contribute in policy formulation, organisation and execution. And when we win government, you can be assured that I will be in the thick of it again, just like in 2018, with our DAP ministers to help execute the best policies to strengthen our economy and help ordinary Malaysians.

In every football team, there are strikers, there are wingers, there are midfielders and defenders. I’m not quitting the team. I believe in the team and certainly believe that we can win. In my case, I’m just reassigning myself to play a different position that best utilises my strengths. You can be assured that when called upon to play, Tony Pua will only give his all.

I would like to take the opportunity to thank former secretary-general Lim Guan Eng for giving me the opportunity to contest and to serve the people of Malaysia as an MP. Credit must be given to Guan Eng for giving room for professionals and new blood to contest. It’s what Malaysians want, it’s what Malaysians need and it’s what DAP needs to do to continue to stay relevant and supported by Malaysians in future elections. We must not be trapped in our own little bubble.

We also know that Damansara is a special seat. The name strikes fear in the hearts of those who are corrupt, those who are in Umno and Barisan Nasional. Therefore, you would be pleased to know that the next MP for Damansara is no less fearless than Tony Pua, no less of a lionheart, and definitely no less of a workhorse. Gobind will certainly make Damansara proud.

Finally, I would like to thank all the residents, supporters and voters of Damansara who have supported me wholeheartedly over the 15-year journey. You have given me incredible majorities – nearly 15,000 in 2008, 45,000 in 2013 and an incredible record-breaking 106,903- vote majority in 2018.

You have encouraged and motivated me to continue fighting even in the darkest of times. Without you, there is no Tony Pua. Thank you so so much. I hope I have made you all proud as your MP. Thank you. I love you all.

Now let’s go win GE15! - FMT

Tony Pua was the MP for Damansara.

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT

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