Friday, October 28, 2022

Anwar taking a risk in ‘not safe’ Tambun, says Rafizi


The PKR president has moved from Port Dickson, where he was elected in 2018, to contest the Tambun seat in Perak.

PETALING JAYA: PKR president Anwar Ibrahim has taken a big risk by contesting the Tambun parliamentary seat, his deputy Rafizi Ramli said, adding the seat was “not safe”.

He said if Anwar was only eager to be prime minister and nothing more, as has been claimed, the party leader would have picked a safe Klang Valley seat where victory would be guaranteed.

Rafizi urged PKR grassroot members to not lie idle but follow in the president’s footsteps by taking a risk and going all out to win.

“After gauging all voter data and after we confirmed that he will be contesting, and if we went to vote today, Anwar is leading in Tambun, against candidates from PN and BN,” he said.

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