Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Don't blame us if you fall again, Hadi cautions govt


PARLIAMENT | The federal government has been cautioned not to point fingers at the opposition if it collapses again.

Debating Budget 2023 in Parliament today, Abdul Hadi Awang (Perikatan Nasional–Marang) said that should such an incident repeat itself, it would be because of the government’s inadequacy and weaknesses.

“If it falls again, don’t blame us. Not breaking through the roof, but the roof is leaking, the doors are left ajar, and the walls are crumbling.

“The success in changing the government (in 2020) was not through the backdoor, but because its roof was leaking and its glass walls were shattered.

“After the 15th general election (GE15), Pakatan Harapan component parties did not have enough seats and were forced to combine all the small and diseased parties to ensure they had a sufficient number in their turbulent government,” he said.

The PAS president also said parties that cooperated in glass houses should not throw stones to hide their weaknesses.

“This is because their glass walls reveal everything that happens within; they also shatter easily,” he said.

Hadi (above) also said the current administration must not take revenge on civil servants after the Harapan coalition failed to secure their votes in GE15.

“Credible politicians with integrity must provide justice to all quarters, regardless of religion, race, whether they are supporters or opposition.”

The infamous Sheraton Move political coup in February 2020 saw the Harapan administration’s collapse and the resignation of Dr Mahathir Mohamad as prime minister.

Funds for opposition constituencies

Meanwhile, Hadi also lambasted the government, saying the act of delaying allocations for constituencies and states under the federal opposition is not in line with Islamic and democratic principles.

“It is far from the teaching of Islam, which is the country’s official religion as enshrined in the Federal Constitution and will severely tarnish the image of Islam.

“Don’t tax all and take the produce from all states, including those held by the opposition, but then give different allocations when it comes to your administration.”

After the tabling of Budget 2023 last Friday by Prime Minister and Finance Minister Anwar Ibrahim, several PN lawmakers have taken the government to task for not allocating constituency funds to opposition MPs.

Both Arau MP Shahidan Kassim and Machang MP Wan Ahmad Fayhsal Wan Ahmad Kamal said it is unfair for the government to not provide equal funding for parliamentarians from the opposition bloc. - Mkini

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