Wednesday, February 1, 2023

MMA: Govt must compensate doctors affected by last-minute postings


The Malaysian Medical Association (MMA) has urged the government to compensate the doctors who were affected by last-minute postings, where they were told to report in other states at short notice.

The doctors' group stated that last-minute postings require medical officers to quickly relocate and sort their necessities on premature timings, causing them inconveniences that impact their financial and physical capabilities.

Therefore, the government should take responsibility for this matter and adequately compensate the officers for their disruptions, the group said.

“It is unreasonable to expect the medical officers concerned to report for duty in another state at such ridiculously short notice.

“Arrangements to relocate to another state require advance notice to manage financial commitments like rental payments and other bills, make travel arrangements, find accommodation, and for some, even make arrangements to care for their loved ones.

“If they are parents, they may need to take their children with them and find a daycare or enrol them in new schools,” MMA stressed.

The association urged the Ministry of Health and the Public Service Department (PSD) to take the problem seriously and investigate the department responsible for the lack of planning. - Mkini

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