Monday, February 27, 2023

'Super admin' downloaded 3m data as part of security measures


PARLIAMENT | The Health Ministry told the Dewan Rakyat today that there has been no breach of vaccine recipients’ data from the MySejahtera application.

Deputy Health Minister Lukanisman Awang Sauni (Pakatan Harapan-Sibuti) said a "super admin" account - which reportedly downloaded the private information of three million vaccine recipients from the app - was part of security steps.

This move was in response to hacking attempts on the MySejahtera app, he explained.

"About the issue of MySejahtera security that was raised in the Auditor-General's Report, of course, 1.12 million cyber-attack attempts were a very large figure.

"But what happened was, MySejahtera (the company that manages the app) managed to deal with the attacks and no data leakage occurred.

"Regarding the report that about three million data was downloaded by the super admin account, it was part of security steps taken when there were cyber attacks,” he said.

"The super admin had to do tata kelola (governance) when an attack happens, and upload the data," he added.

Deputy Health Minister Lukanisman Awang Sauni

Lukanisman was replying to a question posed by Ahmad Yunus Hairi (Perikatan Nasional-Kuala Langat) on recent hacking attempts against the MySejahtera app.

The deputy minister said he, however, could not divulge further information on the matter as it was still under police investigation.

Recently, the Auditor-General's Report for the Year 2021 Series 2 discovered weaknesses in the security levels of the MySejahtera and MyVAS apps.

The report stated how one "super admin" account had downloaded the private information of three million vaccine recipients from the MySejahtera app by using various internet protocol addresses.

Following this, Communications and Digital Minister Fahmi Fadzil instructed Cyber Security Malaysia to conduct an investigation into the matter.

Meanwhile, Lukanisman also told the House that Putrajaya is looking into turning MySejahtera into a digital "super app" for public health.

"We want to make this app as a 'data raya' (data highway) for all health-related information." - Mkini

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