Saturday, April 1, 2023

Malaysia condemns repeated vile attacks against Quran in Denmark


Malaysia condemns in the strongest terms the repeated vile attacks against the al-Quran in Denmark in the latest incident which happened on Friday.

The Foreign Ministry (Wisma Putra) said that a similar attack was carried out on March 24, stressing that such a hateful crime against Islam’s holy book carried out during the holy month of Ramadan is a blatant disregard for the sensitivities of Muslims around the world.

"We call upon the Denmark government not to classify this heinous crime as freedom of expression, and to take immediate action against the perpetrators for spreading hatred and incitement to violence," said Wisma Putra via Twitter.

According to media reports, recent months have seen several acts of Quran burning, or attempts to do so, by Islamophobic figures or groups in northern Europe and Nordic countries.

The desecration of the Quran has since drawn worldwide outrage and condemnation and calls for an end to the authorisation of Islamophobic protests.


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