Saturday, April 1, 2023

No bar on politicians for events at schools, says minister


Education minister Fadhlina Sidek (centre) on a visit to the Perlis Teachers’ Training Institute in Kangar today. (MoE pic)

PETALING JAYA: There are no restrictions on anyone, including politicians, to hold or be invited to events and functions held on school grounds, education minister Fadhlina Sidek said today.

Her assurance comes in the wake of a similar assurance regarding colleges and universities made earlier today by higher education minister Khaled Nordin.

Both ministers were responding to a complaint by Muda president Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman about being turned away when he tried to attend a dialogue session at Universiti Teknologi Mara in Shah Alam.

Fadhlina said anyone interested in functions at public schools should apply and adhere to ministry guidelines on invitations or visits by dignitaries and politicians, Bernama reported.

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The guidelines are not only for dignitaries and politicians but also for everyone, including NGOs and individuals, all of whom need permission from the ministry.

The approval must be obtained within 30 days and whoever wants to enter the school must submit an application and the programme for the function, as well as the objectives of the function.

She added that the guidelines were used by all parties.

“If there is no application, you can’t go in. It’s our duty to ensure the safety and welfare of everyone in schools,” Fadhlina said. - FMT

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