Friday, April 28, 2023

Sanusi blames 'little Napoleons' for murky ties with Anwar

Kedah Menteri Besar Muhammad Sanusi Md Nor has blamed his murky relationship with Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim on “Little Napoleons” in the latter’s office.

Stressing that he has no personal issues with the prime minister, the PAS lawmaker claimed these officials make unilateral decisions such as barring him from attending the Langkawi International Maritime and Aerospace Exhibition (Lima) 2023 and allegedly attempting to remove him as the state representative in the National Finance Council.

“I want to advise my friends in the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) to not become ‘Little Napoleons’. Such individuals do not deserve any place in an administration.

“I don’t allow Little Napoleons in my administration. Everything has to go through me. But I notice that in the prime minister’s administration, there are Little Napoleons who create division.

“Their goal is to impress their boss, but they end up creating issues,” Berita Harian reported Sanusi (above) as saying at a Hari Raya open house in Alor Setar yesterday evening.

His remarks come on the eve of the Anwar government’s Malaysia Madani Aidilfitri open house in Kedah tomorrow.

Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim

Elaborating, Sanusi claimed that personally, he had no issues with Anwar.

“The prime minister and I have no enmity. It is all the work of ‘Little Napoleons’, who are sometimes called ‘little demons’.

“I hope the prime minister hears my voice. If they (the said officers) are not suitable, better change them.”

Sanusi further denied that the defamation suit filed by Anwar against him over a remark during the 15th general election (GE15) campaigning showed the bad blood between the two.

“That’s a different story. When he (Anwar) is the prime minister, and I’m the MB, we have to deal G2G (government to government). Things like this should not happen.”

Meanwhile, Sanusi’s press secretary Muhamad Mat Yakim confirmed that the menteri besar will attend the federal government’s Hari Raya open house to accompany state ruler Sultan Sallehuddin Sultan Badlishah tomorrow.

“The MB will attend the Malaysia Madani Aidilftri open house to accompany the Sultan,” Berita Harian quoted the aide as saying.

Earlier this morning, Communications and Digital Minister Fahmi Fadzil expressed gratitude to the ruler for agreeing to grace the open house with his presence. - Mkini

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