Thursday, April 27, 2023

Why didn't the hospital ward our baby, asks family of girl who died of heatstroke at home [NSTTV]

KOTA BARU: The family of Nur Imani Ahmad Farris Fadzlee, the 19-month-old girl who died of a heatstroke on Tuesday, has questioned why the girl wasn't warded when she was brought to the hospital.

Her grandmother, Wan Maheran Omar, said a post-mortem examination carried out at the Raja Perempuan Zainab II Hospital's forensic unit on Tuesday confirmed that the girl died of a heat stroke.

Imani's parents, Ahmad Farris Fadzlee Mohd Nasir, 24 and Yawaree Samoh, 25, rushed the girl from their Kampung Kota home to the hospital on Monday night after she appeared weak and tired.

The girl had been suffering from a severe cough for almost a week. When her condition worsened, they decided to take her to the emergency unit after Maghrib prayers on Monday.

After treating her, a female doctor told them to take their daughter home. She gave them some medicine, including for her cough.

Ahmad Farris Fadzlee Mohd Nasir (right), wife Yawaree Samoh (left) and Wan Maheran Omar, show the last dress the child wore before she died.  - NSTP/Sharifah Mahsinah Abdullah
Ahmad Farris Fadzlee Mohd Nasir (right), wife Yawaree Samoh (left) and Wan Maheran Omar, show the last dress the child wore before she died. - NSTP/Sharifah Mahsinah Abdullah

After they got home, Imani's condition continued to worsen. Her hands and face turned blue and she died away on her grandmother's lap about 7.20am on Tuesday, the fourth day of Hari Raya Aidilfitri.

Ahmad Farris said that while they were devastated over her death, they accepted it as fate.

Wan Maheran, however, questioned why the hospital didn't ward the girl.

"My grandchild was very weak, but the doctor did not send her to a ward.

"Instead, she told us to take her home and give the medicine," she said.

She said Nur Imani was a very cheerful girl and described her death as a big loss to the family.

State health authorities had previously confirmed that at least two children in Kelantan, aged between 19 months and 11, died of heatstroke recently.

The children, a girl and a boy, were from two districts in the state. - NST

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