Tuesday, May 30, 2023


 First the bad news:

  • Businesses brace for tough times in 3rd quarter
  • Sales declined following Aidilfitri 
  • could get worse next few months
  • SME Association conservative outlook for 2023 
  • SMEs pessimistic, not expanding their businesses 
  • business good first 3 months, CNY  and Hari Raya 
  • significant downturn after festivities over
  • After Hari Raya, business bad, sales dropping
  • Mydin revenue Jan to April improved 10% 
  • in May huge drop - dropped 10%
  • expect market to be quite quiet next few months
  • MICCI said slowdown in exports 20% across sectors

My Comments : This year was unusual because the Chinese New Year and Hari Raya happened quite close to each other.  So the consumption of ketupat, rendang, dumplings and spring rolls went through the roof. It was a seasonal occurence.

But after all the ketupat and dumplings got eaten business is gloomy again.

A few days ago a friend told me that the cooking gas suppliers to the restaurants and food sellers were already complaining that they were delivering fewer cooking gas tanks.  Sales have dropped. These are serious indicators.  Makcik Bank Negara please take note.

it is not a good sign at all if the economy depends on festivities for sales and growth.

What is really worrying is that 20% drop in exports across all sectors
That is why our Ringgit is dropping.

Tuan-Tuan jangan risau. Bukan semuanya bad news. Ada juga weird news. Sila baca:

  • TNB net profit 1st quarter up 12.23% to RM1.002b 
  • higher revenue and lower taxes 
  • strong results after higher tariff on non-domestic consumers
  • strongest earnings by TNB since 3QFY2021
  • RM171.8m taxes this year, down sharply from RM660.8m in 1QFY2022

Allahu Akbar! Bisnes lain complain merosot. Dato Ameer Ali Mydin kata jualan di Mydin jatuh 10% bulan Mei sahaja. MICCI kata eksport negara jatuh 20%. 

Tapi TNB pula boleh increase net profit sebanyak 12.3% untuk tiga bulan pertama, jadi RM1.002 Bilion !!  Ini baru TIGA BULAN PERTAMA.

Dan TNB ambil untung hasil daripada  'strong results after higher tariff on non-domestic consumers'.

Maksudnya bisnes lain yang menjadi pengguna tarif letrik MV dan HV terpaksa bayar bil letrik yang lebih (kenaikan 20 sen/kw/hr) sejak Januari 2023.

Jadi TNB pun dapat untung RM1.0 bilion bagi TIGA BULAN PERTAMA 2023

Jadi kita sanjung tinggi-lah kebijaksanaan pemimpin negara yang telah putuskan TNB boleh naikkan tarif letrik MV dan HV sebanyak 20 sen/kw/hr itu. Maka lagi mahal-lah kenaikan kos bagi bisnes dan peniaga dalam ekonomi kita. Lagi merosotlah prestasi bisnes dan ekonomi, kecuali bagi monopoli besar TNB yang untung bersih RM1.0 bilion bagi TIGA BULAN sahaja. 

Jadi kita sanjung tinggi-lah kebijaksanaan penjaga kewangan negara yang telah putuskan OPR naik jadi 3% yang bebankan lagi ekonomi negara.   Maka lagi mahal-lah kenaikan bayaran pinjaman bank bagi bisnes dan peniaga dalam ekonomi kita. Lagi merosotlah prestasi bisnes dan ekonomi, kecuali bagi bank-bank oligopoli  yang juga akan untung lebih untuk TIGA BULAN PERTAMA nanti. 

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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