Monday, May 29, 2023

Johari should be finance minister II, says KJ


Titiwangsa MP Johari Ghani was second finance minister between 2016 and 2018. (Facebook pic)

PETALING JAYA: Titiwangsa MP Johari Ghani should be appointed second finance minister to assist Anwar Ibrahim, says Khairy Jamaluddin.

Khairy said Johari’s recent queries in the Dewan Rakyat regarding the track record of companies which signed memoranda of understanding with Chinese corporations was evidence that he had the expertise to take on the role of second finance minister.

He said Johari would not have raised such concerns had he not done his research and carried out due diligence on the companies involved.

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“After the state elections, Johari should be made second finance minister because every time a prime minister has held the finance portfolio, there has been a second finance minister,” he said on his “Keluar Sekejap” podcast.

At present, Anwar is both prime minister and finance minister.

Khairy said when Dr Mahathir Mohamad was premier and finance minister, Mustapa Mohamed was second finance minister, and when Abdullah Ahmad Badawi held both posts, he had Nor Mohamed Yakcop as second finance minister.

Similarly, when Najib Razak held both positions, he first appointed Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah as second finance minister before reshuffling his Cabinet and appointing Johari to the post.

Khairy said although Anwar was a “talented politician”, it will not be possible for him to handle the dual responsibility of being prime minister and finance minister.

“The finance minister has to make many decisions and vet numerous documents every day, much of which cannot be delegated to a deputy.”

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He said he “strongly advocates” that Johari be appointed as second finance minister. - FMT

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