Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Offer for PAS to join govt not from me, says PM


Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim said the matter had never been raised or discussed by the top leadership of the coalitions in government.

KUALA LUMPUR: Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim says the offer that PAS purportedly received to join the unity government did not come from him.

Anwar maintained that this proposal for PAS to join Putrajaya had never been raised or discussed by the top leadership of the coalitions in government.

“I don’t know who (approached PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang). Maybe it was some division leader who reached out to him, but it’s not from me or my leadership,” he told reporters at an event here.

On Saturday, Hadi claimed that “‘certain individuals” had contacted him to collaborate with the government, without revealing the identities of these people.

While Hadi did not explicitly say that he turned the offer down, the Marang MP claimed the offer would not benefit PAS and would only serve to strengthen the government’s position by adding more seats to it.


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