Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Cops probing preacher over 'enemies of Allah' speech - Saifuddin


Police have opened an investigation paper against former Kedah PAS Ulama wing deputy chief Zainul Asri Mohd Romli for allegedly making a seditious speech at the Himpunan Kedah Berselawat last Saturday.

Home Minister Saifuddin Nasution Ismail said police had recorded a statement from Zainul as part of the investigation but he was not remanded.

Preacher Zainul Asri Mohd Romli

“In the first meeting (with police), he admitted making a mistake and said he got carried away by the response of the crowd.

"However, I was told that investigations are continuing because there are complaints,” he said at a press conference after chairing the 8th meeting of the Committee on Foreign Worker Management yesterday.

Representatives of Pakatan Harapan lodged a police report against the independent speaker at the Dang Wangi district police headquarters in Kuala Lumpur on June 26.

Yesterday, Zainul published an apology regarding the matter on his Facebook.


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