Friday, June 2, 2023

DAP MP lodges report against Sanusi over 'Kedah owns Penang' claim

Jelutong MP RSN Rayer has lodged a police report against Kedah Menteri Besar Muhammad Sanusi Md Nor for the latter’s insistence that Penang belongs to Kedah.

The report was lodged at the Timur Laut police station in Georgetown, Penang, this morning. Rayer (above) was accompanied by Bagan MP Lim Guan Eng, Bukit Bendera MP Syerleena Abdul Rashid, and other DAP leaders.

In the report, Rayer said it was “extreme” of Sanusi to question the sovereignty of Penang, which was established and recognised as a sovereign state under the Federal Constitution.

By making such claims, Sanusi was not only questioning the validity of the Constitution but also the power of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong in appointing the Penang governor, the DAP lawmaker added.

“As a menteri besar, he (Sanusi) should be more responsible and garner feedback and advice from legal experts instead of blindly making claims that can cause anxiety and anger to the people of Penang, and disrupt public order.

“I am making this report to not only defend the rights and interests of Penang folk but also to uphold the validity of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong and the Federal Constitution,” he said.

This is the second time Rayer has lodged a report against Sanusi over the “Kedah owns Penang” claim. The first report was made in February when Sanusi first made the allegation.

Elaborating, Rayer claimed that Sanusi’s “irresponsible, extreme” remark can possibly cause chaos and riots among Penang folk.

It was reported that Sanusi, in doubling down on his claim that Penang belongs to Kedah, urged the Federal Constitution to be amended to back his claim.

Kedah Menteri Besar Muhammad Sanusi Md Nor

The PAS leader reportedly told Free Malaysia Today that historical and academic studies supported his claim, and called on the current generation to rectify the “distortion of history” and amend the Constitution accordingly.

‘Dangerous incitement’

Speaking to reporters outside the police station, Lim said the report was lodged to protect and defend the sovereignty of Penang.

“Rayer has lodged a police report, and as a lawyer, he knows that Sanusi’s remark is a very dangerous incitement, which is also unconstitutional.

“We all know that Penang is a sovereign state, which has its own chief minister and assemblypersons, with an administration system empowered by the Federal Constitution,” said Lim.

The former Penang chief minister noted that the nation’s coat of arms (Jata Negara) and stripes on the flag even included the state, and asked why the question about Penang’s sovereignty was being raised now.

“This is Sanusi’s third year as the Kedah menteri besar. During the first two years, when he helmed the state under the Perikatan Nasional government, there was no such issue.

“Now, as the state election approaches, he is deliberately raising this sensitive issue that can cause tension among the rakyat, especially Penang folk,” said Lim.

The DAP chairperson further accused Sanusi of reiterating the claim to gain political mileage ahead of the polls.

“People like this are dangerous. I hope stern action can be taken against him (Sanusi). If left unaddressed, it can cause division among the people in the country,” he said, further urging everyone to respect the Constitution and the Malay rulers.

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