Friday, June 2, 2023

Public can soon apply for small budget to fix drains, potholes - Rafizi


The Economic Affairs Ministry plans to introduce a new system so that the public can apply for allocations for small projects.

Economic Affairs Minister Rafizi Ramli said this will speed up the process of dealing with issues such as fixing clogged drains or potholes on the roads.

“The federal government is making changes to democratise small allocations for the rakyat.

“All this time, as the elected representative, I had to do all sorts of things like fixing drains and so on.

“So InsyaAllah, we are planning so that after this, allocations for rakyat projects can be applied for directly to the ministry by anyone and there is no need to go through all the layers (of bureaucracy),” Rafizi said.

He said this during a stakeholder session on the half-term study of the 12th Malaysia Plan with the Selangor government that was held in Shah Alam today.

He said the new system will be launched sometime in mid to late June.

With this new system, anyone from members of the public to district offices and state departments can directly ask the Economic Affairs Ministry for allocations.

Rafizi said currently, there are too many layers of bureaucracy involved for allocations to be approved which could take up to two to three years.

“This (new system) is considered a win-win for all.

“We open up equal opportunities to all states and to all people (to apply for allocations),” he said.

There will of course be conditions attached to the application for allocations, he said, but more details on the process would be revealed when the system is officially launched. - Mkini

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