Sunday, July 2, 2023

Butterworth cops caution against playing up azan complaint


Police in Butterworth have cautioned the public against sensationalising an alleged complaint to lower the volume of a mosque loudspeaker. (Facebook pic)

PETALING JAYA: Butterworth police have warned against any attempt to sensationalise an incident in which a man had allegedly requested a mosque to lower the volume of its loudspeaker.

“Stern action would be taken against those who attempt to incite anger that could spark racial issues,” Butterworth acting police chief Siti Nor Salawati Saad said in a statement.

Her statement follows a social media post calling on Muslims to protest.

Siti also said police were looking into the alleged loudspeaker request following a report lodged by a local man on June 28.

The complainant said he had been approached by the man with a request for the mosque to lower the volume of its loudspeaker during the call to prayer or azan.

The man had allegedly said that the volume was too loud and had disturbed the residents.

Siti said the case is being investigated as a Penal Code offence of wounding religious feelings. - FMT

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