Friday, July 28, 2023

Dropped Penang DAP rep quits party, to defend seat as independent


Incumbent Bagan Dalam assemblyperson Satees Muniandy has quit DAP and announced he will defend the seat as an independent in the state election on Aug 12.

In doing so, the Ujung Batu DAP branch chief vowed to support caretaker chief minister Chow Kon Yeow to continue leading Penang.

“I sent a letter (of resignation) to DAP secretary-general Anthony Loke this morning, and have informed Chow about the most difficult decision I have had to take in my 15 years with the party,” Satees told a press conference at his service centre in Bagan Dalam, Butterworth, Penang, today.

Satees (above) was among several incumbent representatives and state exco members who were not on the recently unveiled DAP candidate list for the state polls.

Independent bloc

Following his exclusion, Satees decried the dangers posed by an “emperor” to Penang and its people.

With his exit, he joins former Seberang Perai city councillor David Marshel, who also announced a similar move yesterday.

Marshel said he will contest as an independent for the Perai state seat, which is held by caretaker deputy chief minister P Ramasamy, who was also dropped from the line-up.

David alleged that DAP chairperson Lim Guan Eng was making moves to topple Chow and recapture the chief minister-ship.

At the presser today, Satees renewed attacks against the “emperor”, whom he alleged was treating Penang like it belonged to “his father”.

DAP chairperson Lim Guan Eng

He stressed that no matter the circumstances, he will never join nor support Perikatan Nasional (PN).

The 38-year-old said, moving forward, he will establish an independent bloc with Marshel to back Chow.

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