Friday, September 1, 2023


 "Bernas remains intact and competitive"

"sole gatekeeper for country's paddy and rice"


Bernas price adjustment for imported white rice nationwide 

price of imported white rice increased to RM3,200
up from RM2,350 per metric tonne from Friday (Sept 1)

Bernas remains intact and competitive
This is our role as the sole gatekeeper for the country's paddy and rice


My Comments :

Bernas is a sole, gomen granted monopoly - which is why they say so proudly  "our role as the sole gatekeeper for the country's paddy and rice"

When you are the "sole gatekeeper for the country's paddy and rice" you cannot claim to be  competitive.  A monopoly does not compete. That is why you are called a monopoly. That is why you call yourself the "sole gatekeeper for the country's paddy and rice".

So stop insulting the people by saying that you are competitive. You do not compete. You are a gomen granted monopoly. Period.

So folks the price of imported rice has gone up 36%. This means the prices of ALL types of rice (imported as well as locally produced) will all go up - possibly by 36% as well. 

The people are going to suffer more. Thank you to the gomen granted rice import monopoly as well. Things like this cannot happen without your presence.

So will this year's CPI increase still be less than 3% ?? Because there was news like this:

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia's inflation eased to 2.4 per cent in June 2023, the lowest in the first six months of 2023. While core inflation was at 3.1 per cent year-on-year. 

Wow very good. Inflation was 2.4% only ?? Fantastic. 

Then there is also info like this floating around: "Consumer Price Index CPI in Malaysia reached an all time high of 130.50 points in July of 2023"

Alamak ! June 2023 inflation was at the lowest in six months. 
Then the next month July 2023 the CPI was at an all time high pula!! 
So how? Who or what to believe?

Then three days ago there was this news:

So Okonomi wants to limit APs and import permits. Betul ke? Ok very good. Then there was also this screenshot going viral today: 


The last part is strange :  'Kami akan bentangkan kepada MTEN dalam masa 1-2 bulan..'

Hello please make up your mind - satu bulan atau dua bulan? Please be more precise.

And why bentangkan to the MTEN (NEAC)? What about the Ministers and the Cabinet? Or to Parliament?

The voters went to the General Elections and voted for the Wakil Rakyat or Members of Parliament, some of whom are now the gomen and are also Cabinet Ministers. 

The people have voted for you so that you will do your job of managing the country.

So why do you want to bentang to the MTEN (NEAC)? 
Who is the MTEN? 
They are not lawmakers. 
They have no power. 

The MTEN is not Parliament where the Wakil Rakyat represent the people. Bills are passed in Parliament by our Wakil Rakyat which becomes law. MTEN cannot pass any laws.

The MTEN is also not the Cabinet where Ministers who are Wakil Rakyat (except Saifuddin Nasution) can decide on matters relating to the economy. 

The MTEN has got no power. Why submit to the MTEN? You might as well submit your proposal to the Persatuan Buncit, Botak Dan Uban.

So is the Okonomi fellow really serious about this whole idea? In about 1 - 2 months? Maybe one month, maybe two months.   

Maybe, maybe, maybe.

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of  MMKtT.

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