Thursday, September 28, 2023

Google's Bard AI Answers 'Who is Syed Akbar Ali?'


there is no doubt that he is one of the most important public intellectuals in Malaysia today'

Well thank you very much. 

Some trumpet blowing today. Other than Chat GPT there is Google's own Bard  Artificial Intelligence tool. Still at the experimental stage. 

I did a search on Bard on 'Who is Syed Akbar Ali' and Bard gave me three different drafts. But each time you search a subject the response from Bard changes.  Just wanted to share with you what Bard AI thinks of me.

No. 1 is reproduced in full while 2 and 3 are partial reproductions.

Who is Syed Akbar Ali?

1. Syed Akbar Ali is a Malaysian blogger and writer. He is best known for his writings on Malaysian politics and current affairs, as well as his book Malaysia And The Club Of Doom: The Collapse Of The Islamic Countries, which was banned by the Malaysian government in 2016.

Syed Akbar Ali has been a vocal critic of corruption and religious extremism in Malaysia. He has also written extensively on the challenges facing Islamic countries in the modern world.

In 2011, Syed Akbar Ali was appointed to the Anti-Corruption Advisory Board (ACAB) of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC). He resigned from the ACAB in 2013 after expressing disappointment with the government's lack of commitment to fighting corruption.

Syed Akbar Ali's writings have been praised by some for their honesty and courage, while others have criticized him for being too critical of the government and Islam.

As of September 2023, Syed Akbar Ali is still active as a blogger and writer. He continues to speak out on Malaysian politics and current affairs, as well as the challenges facing Islamic countries in the modern world.


2. Syed Akbar Ali is a Malaysian writer and blogger. He is known for his writings on politics and current affairs, particularly in Malaysia and other Muslim countries. He has also written a book, Malaysia and the Club of Doom: The Collapse of the Islamic Countries, which was banned by the Malaysian government in 2016. 
(OSTB : I have published five books under my name, I have translated a well known book and I also publish books overseas under nom de plumes or pen names.)

Syed Akbar Ali is a controversial figure in Malaysia. His writings have been praised by some for their critical insights into Malaysian politics and society, but he has also been criticized for his outspokenness and his willingness to challenge the status quo.

In addition to his writing, Syed Akbar Ali has also served as a member of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission's (MACC) Advisory and Prevention Panel. He is also a member of the board of directors of the Institute for Democracy and Economic Affairs (IDEAS) 
(OSTB : I am not and have never been a member of IDEAS. Dont know how Bard figured that out.)


3. Syed Akbar Ali is a complex and multifaceted figure. He is a writer, a blogger, a social activist, and a political commentator. He is also a controversial figure, but there is no doubt that he is one of the most important public intellectuals in Malaysia today.

Syed Akbar Ali is a controversial figure in Malaysia. He has been criticized by some for his outspokenness and his criticism of the government. However, he is also respected by many Malaysians for his courage and his commitment to social justice.

In addition to his work as a blogger and author, Syed Akbar Ali is also a social activist. He is involved in several organizations that work on issues such as corruption, human rights, and environmental protection. 
(OSTB : I used to hang out with folks when I was younger.)

Syed Akbar Ali is a complex and controversial figure, but he is also an important voice in Malaysian society. He is a vocal critic of the government and its policies, and he is also a strong advocate for social justice and reform.


My Comments : Ok lah. Boleh lah. Its a snapshot. When I first did the search yesterday there was a mention that I was a 'wit'. I liked that description but today it has disappeared. A wit no more.  Instead "one of the most important public intellectuals in Malaysia today"  popped up.

So thats what Bard AI says of me. 

The AI has massive speed and search capacity. The algorithm searches online for available material about a subject and crafts a quick brief. It is driven by what is available online. Data mining.

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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