Friday, September 1, 2023

Johor will regress with PAS’s version of Islam, says Nur Jazlan


Nur Jazlan Mohamed likened PAS’s version of Islam to that of ‘the Iranian government and the Taliban’. (Bernama pic)

PETALING JAYA: Umno Supreme Council member Nur Jazlan Mohamed warns that Johor risks falling behind in all aspects if it were to adopt PAS’s style of governance.

He said PAS’s version of Islam, which he likened to that of “the Iranian government and the Taliban (in Afghanistan)”, was not suitable for Johor.

“PAS’s version of Islam is causing Kelantan to lag behind in all aspects. Their leaders are only focused on promoting political partisanship and they are brainwashing the people to stay in power.

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“Meanwhile, the administration of the state and governance has gone down the drain,” he said in a Facebook post.

He pointed out that Johor’s religious school system is more advanced compared with that of Kelantan, despite the latter being called “Serambi Mekah”, a moniker often used to refer to areas with deep Islamic traditions.

“In terms of the economy, everyone is well aware of Johor’s progress as the nation’s main southern gateway. Various advancements and development projects for the well-being of the people have been consistently implemented by the Umno-led state government.

“Kelantan, on the other hand, has been under PAS for over 30 years. What progress does the Islamic party have to boast about? They can’t even address basic issues, let alone discuss the state’s economy and investment prospects,” he said.

Nur Jazlan also said the fact that many Kelantanese come to Johor to look for job opportunities is proof of the southern state’s economic progress.

The Pulai Umno chief added that the people of Johor are not likely to allow PAS’s version of Islam to spread in the state, saying that the “green wave” was thwarted by the “red and blue wave” in the March 2022 state polls.

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“I am confident that the voters in Simpang Jeram and Pulai will once again reject the political fanaticism brought by PAS,” he said.

Voters will head to the polls on Sept 9 for the Pulai parliamentary and Simpang Jeram state by-elections. Both seats were left vacant following the death of incumbent, former Amanah deputy president Salahuddin Ayub on July 23. - FMT

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