Sunday, October 29, 2023

Minister: Govt welcomes Unga resolution on ceasefire in Gaza


The government welcomes the resolution passed at the United Nations General Assembly (Unga) on Friday with regard to an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip and the sending of humanitarian aid without hindrances.

Minister in the Prime Minister's Department (Religious Affairs) Mohd Na'im Mokhtar said the resolution adopted at the Unga on Friday was important due to the critical situation in Gaza at present.

"Every minute and moment is so important to the Palestinian people in Gaza. In (the period of) one minute all kinds of things such as bombings can occur, and even internet access has been almost cut off… this involves humanitarian issues irrespective of religion.

"In fact, if we look at the countries that support this resolution, most of them are non-Muslim countries.

“Alhamdulillah, with 120 countries agreeing to this resolution, a ceasefire (can be achieved) and humanitarian aid can be given to the Palestinian people, especially in Gaza," Na’im (above) said at the Ziarah Asnaf 3.0 programme in Kuala Lumpur yesterday.

At the Unga on Friday, the resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire and for humanitarian aid to be delivered to Palestinians was approved by the general assembly with 120 votes in favour, 14 against and 45 abstentions.

Meanwhile, Na'im congratulated all Malaysians on the spirit of solidarity shown in the matter and hoped that the effort would continue. He also reminded the public who made financial contributions to use the correct channels so as not to be deceived by irresponsible parties taking advantage of the situation.

Harmoni meeting

Regarding the meeting of the Interfaith Harmony Committee (Harmoni) yesterday, he said a sub-committee would be established to propose and implement unity-based programmes.

"This is to invite our people in the country to be united. So, I have high trust and hope (in Harmoni). They (the members) are appointed through the approval of the cabinet, so the (role of the) committee is quite high.

"Therefore, National Unity Minister Aaron Ago Dagang and I expressed hope (in the meeting) that they (committee members) can carry out this trust well and show the value of unity," he said.

The committee has 30 members with three representatives from the government, 10 representatives of Islam, four each of Buddhism and Christianity, and two each of Hinduism and Taoism.

Meanwhile, on the programme to visit the asnaf (zakat recipients) group, Na'im said the initiative was to help the group and monitor the coordination of assistance for recipients under the Federal Territories Islamic Religious Council (MAIWP).

"This visitation programme is also to ensure that the aid received by the asnaf involved has helped ease their burden," he said. Earlier, Na’im visited the MAIWP Zakat Distribution Centre (Titiwangsa Branch) before visiting three houses of asnaf around Kuala Lumpur.


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