Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Shahidan suggests party-hopping act allowing MPs to change their support

Alleging that the coalition government had failed to deal with the issue of rising prices of goods, Arau MP Shahidan Kassim suggested that the government today float a party-hopping act to give parliamentarians the freedom to choose a new government.

The former Umno man said that this would allow parliamentarians who want to be with PN to join the coalition even if they are now with the government.

"People can no longer get protection (increase in the price of goods). Government officials are tired because of what is happening. I recommend that immediate action be taken.

"Allow the anti-hopping party act to be set aside so that everyone who wants to join us can do so," he said in his speech during the debate on the Supply Bill 2024 in the House People today.

Shahidan also pointed a finger at Kuala Kangsar MP Iskandar Dzulkarnain Abdul Khalid saying that while he did not change parties, he had now shifted his support to backing the government of the day.

"Many from there (PH-BN) support (PN) and do not need to change parties," Shahidan said after claiming that the government's decision to float the price of chicken and eggs starting next year will cause trouble for the people.

The Anti-Hopping Act is an act that prohibits parliamentarians from party jumping which will come into effect on Oct 5, 2022.

The aim of the act is to prevent MPs from jumping parties or changing support leading to a collapse of the federal government, which has led to political instability ever since the Sheraton Move of February 2020.

With the amendment, a member of parliament will lose their seat if they leave the party or cease to be a member of the party they represent.

However, MPs expelled from the party will not lose their seats.

MPs will also not lose their seats if their party dissolves or merges with another party, or if they leave the party to become speaker of the House of Representatives. - Mkini

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