Wednesday, October 25, 2023

YOURSAY | Deplorable silence over farmers’ eviction


YOURSAY | ‘Anwar should focus on his own backyard and ensure food security.’

Help farmers facing eviction in your constituency, Anwar told

PSM activist left with bloodied face in commotion over farmers’ eviction

Koel: Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim, Malaysians are facing inflation and food insecurity. Your shameful silence in the case of farmers whose livelihoods are affected and prevented from growing food to feed the nation is truly deplorable.

It is also utterly reprehensible that an activist has been beaten bloody, allegedly by a Land Office personnel, exhibiting a level of impunity and high-handedness that has brought shame on the Perak Land office as a whole and on your constituency.

Enough politicking to please your voter base. We want to see you work on real and urgent domestic issues. We urge you to ensure that farmers can continue to grow food for the nation to help reduce food inflation.

We also urge you to prevent farmer unemployment. We want you to do something to immediately bring down food inflation and urge you to do everything humanly possible to strengthen our ringgit.

The opposition has been completely clueless and silent, mostly because they are too busy looking for more race and religion matters to beat their drums about. Clearly, their brains are incapable of addressing real issues.

Please stop competing with such worthless and deplorable activities and instead do more to address real issues at home. That is how you win votes, regardless of race and religion.

Cogito Ergo Sum: Anwar, the Tambun MP, is making former PMs like Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Muhyiddin Yassin and Ismail Sabri Yaakob actually look good, if that is possible.

He should be fully aware of what’s happening in his own backyard instead of flitting around the globe trying to resolve geopolitical issues.

Farmers are the backbone of the agricultural sector. You ignore them, you ignore one of the pillars of our economy. PSM’s Dr Michael Jeyakumar Devaraj was one the best MPs this country ever had, and he is being treated like a common criminal.

Even jailed former premier Najib Abdul Razak was never treated like this. PM, the people’s patience is wearing thin.

As a leader of all Malaysians, you ought to be looking after the welfare of all farmers and smallholdings that contribute towards the national agricultural output.

As finance minister, you know this. Please be the PM for all. It appears that civil servants and uniformed services are calling the shots in this administration, not the duly elected representatives or government.

RimauTongkatAli: This is what we get for electing Anwar who had yet to deliver any of his election promises. The only thing we have seen him doing now is holding rallies and visiting the Middle East to shore up support for Hamas.

The simple issue of farmers who are toiling to provide vegetables for the country doesn’t seem to matter to Anwar.

Ringgit is down the toilet, and we will need to import more vegetables because we don’t have enough produced locally. Please focus not only on saving Hamas but also continue to give Nato (no action, talk only) presentations about how you will save Malaysia.

Voting for Anwar is really the worst decision ever!

RR: PM, the eviction notice to farmers in your own constituency is very bad publicity for you. Please arrange to renew the lease for the farming lands of these farmers as soon as possible.

There is a terrible contradiction in the unity government’s policy. On the one hand, it cries about excessive import bills on food, and on the other, district officials want to evict the poor farmers.

Shame! Don’t expect votes from these farmers in the next general election.

Steven Ong: “…Their farms are located on land belonging to the Perak State Development Corporation”. The people of Malaysia, stand up for the country. There is no such thing as government land.

All the land belongs to the people of Malaysia. The government was “hired” by the people to serve the country and the public. The best way is to negotiate openly and fair with those who had cultivated the land.

These points must be considered for a fair agreement.

  • What is the purpose of taking the land by evicting those who may have been there longer than the government?

  • Who are those involved in developing the land after the eviction?

  • How much was paid for the land and by whom?

  • Which is more important today, food or concrete structures?

  • Can the farmers have another land for 50 years, to earn a living?

It’s sad to hear that Anwar again is in the centre of this news, the forced eviction of a people who provide us food.

The man who cares more about teaching people to hate Israel and helping Hamas than addressing food shortage and the rising cost of food.

World Citizen: Where are the opposition MPs? Normally, the opposition would be the ones fighting this kind of cause, right? Or are they only interested in toppling the Perak government as their war commander has been chest-thumping?

We cannot ask Anwar anything now because he is on an unstoppable religious tangent that even PAS can't match. Right now, he is busy globetrotting, fighting the Hamas cause that no world leader is willing to come forward.

So farmers, it is your problem, don't expect anyone to come and help you. PSM can only take the beatings on your behalf. - Mkini

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