Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Citizenship law reforms: Minister defends 'sensitive' proposal


PARLIAMENT | The Home Ministry is expected to retain and table in the Dewan Rakyat all eight proposals to amend relevant provisions related to granting of citizenships under the Federal Constitution.

Home Minister Saifuddin Nasution Ismail said this includes a proposal deemed "most sensitive" by civil society, on amended procedures to grant citizenship to stateless children and foundlings - an infant abandoned by its parents and is discovered and cared for by others.

"I had countless engagements with NGOs and distinguished individuals with an interest in citizenship issues. There are some views that I noted, while there are other views, to which I have provided my explanation.

"From the eight proposals, what was the most sensitive? On stateless children, foundlings," said Saifuddin in his Supply Bill 2024 debates winding-up speech.

"I had explained to them, when our Constitution was drafted in the 1950s, the country did not face problems involving migrants and others," he said.

He was responding to Howard Lee (Pakatan Harapan-Ipoh Timur) who asked whether the government had taken into account criticisms of the proposals, including from MPs, and only table those that would receive majority support from the house.

Saifuddin said there are currently three ways to receive Malaysian citizenship - operation of law, registration and naturalisation.

Elaborating on one of the eight proposals which courted backlash, Saifuddin cited an example of a child born in Malaysia to a Rohingya mother and an Indonesian father - who is an undocumented migrant here.

"Currently, through enforcement of the law, the child is a Malaysian citizen. This is what we want to debate here (Dewan Rakyat).

"We are saying the child must first be registered with the Welfare Department. Let the department apply to register their citizenship," he said.

"There must be elements of inspection, investigation and others.

"From citizenship through operation of law, we propose to change it to the process of registration," he said, adding that the proposals were presented to the Conference of Rulers earlier this week.

Saifuddin also said the proposed constitutional amendments would also require further amendments to related laws that govern citizenship registration. - Mkini

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