Wednesday, November 1, 2023


  • 2021 major scam uncertified frozen meat repacked with halal labels
  • included kangaroo, horse meat, pork, passed off as halal beef



OSTB : The following is adapted from Asia Sentinel. It was written by Cyril Perreira.

whole country stunned by drop in ringgit, lowest rate RM4.79:US$1 
triggered calls to urgently appoint competent finance minister 
Opposition calling for resignation
no reformasi after one year, citizens losing patience
supporters initially overjoyed messianic leader, free of corruption, racial, religious twists

(OSTB : They were mistaken on all counts)

cobbled together coalition with UMNO

(OSTB: UMNO was officially designated a corrupted kleptocracy by the US Dept of Justice. A kleptocracy needs more than one person).

“Unity Government” of November 2022  approved by the Agong, Malaysia’s king.

(OSTB: Spot on. Approved by the YDP Agong).

  • 80% of Malays did not vote for PH in 2022 
  • since 1957 Malaysia never had PM without Malay support 
  • suffers stark legitimacy deficit 
  • magnificent orator and lackluster administrator

(OSTB: magnificent orator? He talks rubbish. He certainly cannot speak in English without prepared remarks. Refer that disastrous CFR interview in Washington. It was a disaster. The moderator became obviously impatient, rude and crude).

  • 2024 budget allocates RM1.9b to religion 
  • 60% of that pays salaries to 70,000 religious functionaries
  • exclusive monopoly on “halal” certification 
  • 2021 major scam uncertified frozen meat repacked with halal labels
  • included kangaroo, horse meat, pork, passed off as halal beef
  • investigated by MACC and police
  • NST said racket running for over four decades 
  • involved Veterinary Services, Quarantine & Inspection, Customs, Port Police
  • None of the enablers or other complicit departments have been charged.
  • Absent Finance Minister
  • pontificating globally about Israeli injustice and cruelties 
  • visited his Muslim Brotherhood pal Erdogan in Türkiye 
  • accused unnamed European politicians of threatening him
  • last premier who doubled as finance minister rifled US$5.4 billion
  • Najib is understood to be housed in the prison compound, but not in a cell
  • citizens desperate to know how he will redress loss of confidence in ringgit 
  • ground feeling is he is not sticking to his knitting
  • is wasting energy on matters of no concern 
  • wrecked education system, unresolved issues of equality and justice 

Cyril Pereira is a longtime contributor to Asia Sentinel

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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