Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Ukraine War Is Over - Now Deep Into Suicidal Phase


Here is something funny yet of very serious implications. In September of this year (2023 for the time capsule people) a couple of Russian comedians managed to pull a serious prank. They made a  prank call to Italian Prime Minister Georgia Meloni which actually got through to the Prime Minister.

Russian pranksters Vovan and Lexus, a comedy duo whose real names are Vladimir Kuznetsov and Alexei Stolyarov, had made a prank call to the Italian Prime Minister in September, pretending to be the head of the African Union. 

In the call (confirmed as authentic by the Italian government), Meloni said that all her European colleagues were already tired of Ukraine and explained that despite the Ukrainian counteroffensive, nothing had changed. “I see that there is a lot of fatigue, I have to say the truth, from all the sides... We [are] near the moment in which everybody understands that we need a way out,” Meloni had added.

That was in September 2023. The Italian Prime Minister said that NATO and the West were already tired of the war in Ukraine. 

The war in Ukraine actually ended last year in 2022. I have said so many times in this blog. Over the past year the hyped up Ukrainian counter offensive has failed. Ukraine has not been able to retake any of the Russian speaking territories back from Russia and Russia too has not expanded their territory beyond the Russian speaking areas of Ukraine. All the German Leopard 2 tanks have been destroyed. The British were cleverer - after two of their Challenger tanks also got destroyed they pulled the remaining 10 (?) back for less risky duties, like military parades and training exercises.

Now NATO is also giving up on Ukraine:

  • BUDAPEST (Sputnik) - impossible for Ukraine to join NATO now
  • consensus after NATO foreign ministers' meeting in Brussels
  • Ukraine's accession to NATO unimaginable in current conditions
  • Ukraine's admission to NATO would mean World War III
  • Ukraine's counteroffensive far from expectations foreign minister said
  • NATO admitted battlefield had not changed, no breakthroughs
  • West Overplayed Ukraine, Now Leaning Towards 'Dialogue with Moscow' 
  • Despite billions spent disastrous setbacks
  • failed counteroffensive, huge casualties, loss of NATO weapons
  • Ukraine's bleak reality worsened by political dysfunction, infighting, corruption
  • West inclined for resumption of dialogue with Moscow
  • Italian PM Giorgia Meloni acknowledging “need to talk” with Russia


But the Ukrainians are still sending their soldiers (now including teenagers and 75 year old men) to basically get shot to pieces.

There was a famous meat-grinder called Bakhmut where the Russians just held their ground and annihilated battalions of Ukrainian soldiers.

The same thing is now being repeated in another town called Avdiyiivka where the Russians are just staying put and destroying battalions of Ukrainian troops. It is a massacre.

And the Russian aerospace forces are shooting down Ukrainian jets by the dozens. 

There are rumours of a possible coup against the Ukrainian president Zelenskiye. Ukraine will not negotiate terms for peace while Zelenskiye remains at the helm. Something has to crack inside Ukraine.

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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