Friday, December 1, 2023




I have said this many years ago in this blog. And I received a response from a friend who by coincidence I met just yesterday (and with whom I spent the whole day).

Today is Friday. Throughout the world hundreds of millions of Muslim men will be attending Friday sermons. This will include the most educated, the most intelligent and important people in their lands.

It is most likely that for about an hour or less they will be listening to some preacher or prayer leader who will be far less educated than them. Or perhaps not educated at all.  Even if they are "trained" (I fear to use the word education) they would have been "trained" in some you-cannot-ask-questions type of institution.  And in many parts of the world the pesantrens, the madrassa and even the pondoks which train these preachers may not have running water or  electricity. Conditions will be basic.


The counter argument is that there are other such institutions that are modern and well equipped. Indeed so but their level of "training" will be exactly the same.  'No-questions -asked' indoctrination.

Here is a story. Its just a story.

For three years they planted wheat. The crop failed.
Next three years they tried corn. The crop failed.
The next three years they tried oats. The crop failed. 
Nine years wasted.
Then they changed the fertilisers. They tried wheat for three years. Also failed.
They did the same with corn and oats. Also failed. Six years went by.
A total of eighteen years wasted.
Then they changed the farmer. They tried wheat for three years. Also failed.
They did the same with corn and oats. Also failed. Six more years went by.
A total of 27 years wasted. 

Then they realised there was something  wrong with the land. 
It was not the fault of the wheat, the corn the fertilisers or the farmers.
The land was just not suitable for food cultivation.
So they left the land and moved to another place.
After wasting so much time. 

illusion : an instance of a wrong or misinterpreted perception of a sensory experience

delusion : a false belief or judgment about external reality, held despite incontrovertible evidence to the contrary

 The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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