Sunday, December 17, 2023

Why fear a non-Malay PM?


Malay politicians keep harping on the same tune, that they want a leader who will defend the Malays and protect Islam. They claim that a non-Malay prime minister would threaten their rights and position.

On Dec 14, the MP for Machang, Wan Ahmad Fayhsal Wan Ahmad Kamal said that Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim should amend the Federal Constitution so that only Malays could be prime minister.

He claimed that this move would help restore Malay support for the Madani administration.

No! Why should Anwar do this? Why should he deny Malaysians who are non-Malay an equal chance of becoming PM?

Some of us entrust our lives to non-Malay professionals and we have no qualms about our surgeon, doctor, dentist or lawyer taking care of our medical needs or when we need them to defend us in court.

Why can’t the responsibility of taking care of us be extended to taking care of the nation?

There is nothing in the constitution to say that prime ministers must be Malay.

The ultra-nationalists demand that our PMs be Malay and some non-Malays, who have been conditioned by fear, will agree with them.

Insecure Malays

For decades, PAS and Umno made the outrageous claim that non-Malay people, specifically the Chinese, wanted to destroy Malaysia, make it a Christian country, replace Islam as the official religion, and remove Malay as the national language.

The Malays who say this are very insecure and insincere. They are only serving their own selfish agendas and not putting the needs of the rakyat first.

Britain, Malaysia’s former colonial master, is now led by a Hindu. The mayor of London is a Muslim as is the first minister of Scotland. They are in charge of policy making and rule over millions of people who are not just Muslim, but are Christians, Hindus, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists and those of all other faiths or none.

Every Malaysian deserves an equal chance and we should be served by a prime minister who will fight for the interests of all Malaysians, and not just address the needs of just a section of the population.

Enemy within us

The real enemy is within the Malay fold. Affirmative action policies make Malays weak, arrogant and dependent upon handouts.

When will Anwar start the new narrative that the Malays cannot thrive or flourish in an environment which stifles competition and creativity. In the law of the jungle, only the fittest and those who are willing to adapt will survive.

Isn’t it about time we got rid of affirmative action policies and help all Malaysians, irrespective of skin colour or religion. In other words, we should get rid of the bangsa and agama (race and religion) on our identity cards. When will the rakyat stop being in denial?

Some former “Malay” PMs double-crossed the rakyat with their corruption and abuse of power, such as Najib Razak.

The corruption did not start during Najib’s tenure. The slide started earlier, but worsened with Najib and his docile cabinet. If you think about it, we cannot get any worse than the former Malay PMs who have ruled the nation.

So, choose the best man or woman for our PM. He, or she, need not be Malay. - FMT

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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