Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Parliament debates: Tuan Ibrahim chides Pua for 'lack of substance' remark

PAS deputy president Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man has hit back at former Damansara MP Tony Pua over his claim that the quality of debates among opposition MPs in Parliament lacked substance.

The Kubang Kerian MP said Pua’s assessment indicated he was not fully following debates in the Dewan Rakyat.

“Many major issues were raised about the economy, investment, climate change, the impact of the ringgit’s depreciation, and much more, while issues revolving around attire, language, race and religion were barely touched upon by the representatives.

“They only sought explanations from the government regarding 3R-related issues,” he reportedly told Free Malaysia Today.

The 3R refers to race, religion and royalty.

Nonetheless, Tuan Ibrahim went on to stick to such issues by claiming that Pua was attempting to divert attention from fellow DAP member Ngeh Koo Ham who recently apologised for suggesting that non-Muslim constitutional experts be included in a committee studying the conflicts between syariah law and the Federal Constitution.

Former MPs Ong Kian Ming (left) and Tony Pua

Yesterday, Pua commented on a podcast hosted by another former MP, Ong Kian Ming, that there needs to be more understanding of the basics of public policy, adding that issues raised in Parliament were better during Pakatan Harapan’s time as the opposition.

“One of the most obvious things you see today in parliamentary debates… is the near absolute lack of substance among opposition MPs when debating.

“The topics and issues are always single-dimensional - about race, religion, alcohol, and dressing.

“Running a country involves so many other things and all you can talk about is race, language use, religious issues, alcohol, and dressing. That’s all you can talk about?” he questioned. - Mkini

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