Tuesday, January 2, 2024

After 15 Years The Economist Updates About The Chameleon

 "long-promised champion of change is more an obstacle"

Do you all remember this magazine cover by The Economist from 2009?


Well 15 years later The Economist has written an update on the chameleon.  Here it is. 
Of course I have edited and truncated it. (Sometimes I can do a better job).

Madani is wasting his opportunity
Having sought the top job for decades, he is making a hash of it
The Economist | 31 Dec 2023

  • most enigmatic figure in SEA politics for half century 
  • madani has now served just over a year 
  • Simply holding on to power is a feat 
  • political parties have torn themselves apart 
  • prime ministers have come and gone
  • madani concentrating on consolidating his ruling coalition
Yet two questions are now more salient
What does he stand for? (OSTB : Nothing. "he is making a hash of it" stupid).
And what will he do with power? (OSTB : Use it to stay in power, dummy)

If madani were plain-speaking and consistent  (OSTB : Well he is not, dummy)

mercurial madani is yet to engage in serious policy  (OSTB : Really? You think so)

(OSTB : mercurial - subject to sudden or unpredictable changes of mood or mind. Schizoid, schizophrenic, split personality, Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde).

  • largely focused on insiderish politicking
  • hung Parliament emerged  in Nov 2022
  • Dec 12th 2023 shuffled cabinet
  • bid to expand coalition pushed him to unsavoury compromises
  • his deputy faced dozens of breach of trust, corruption, money laundering charges 
  • In Sept gomen chose, with little explanation, not to pursue the case.
  • madani's embrace of BN causing dismay to former supporters
  • courts remain prone to political interference
  • Too much power in PM's office 
  • much-needed law on dark money in politics not progressed

  • Bridget Welsh points out madani done too little to foster tolerance  
  • madani began political career as Islamic firebrand
  • increasingly pandering to Malay chauvinism and religiosity
  • madani's people say desire to remake institutions undimmed
  • but nature of his coalition precludes serious progress for now

  (OSTB: The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. Actually they are just lying.)

  • unity govt’s support is flimsy
  • if umno walked out, other parties would follow
  • supporters want to secure stand-alone majority at next election
  • Then serious reform could begin

(OSTB : They are bullshitting. If they dont undertake reforms when they are flimsy how will they reform anything if they are strong?)

  • madani's abandonment of reform has a cost
  • reinforcing Malaysians’ growing disillusion with politics
  • the long-promised champion of change is more like an obstacle 

My Comments :

Well first of all to the editors at The Economist here is the lion with a message for you.

The Economist is not alone in being fooled. Or being stupid. So many people have been fooled by this schizoid. Except me of course. I have been spot on for the past 30 years.

And here is my favorite picture which captures the fellow.

                                                  Those spots simply will not wash.

Hence the comment :  increasingly pandering to Malay chauvinism and religiosity 

Once an ayatollah always an ayatollah. These folks just cannot change their spots.

But his supporters can. Please wake up - before Dracula is released from inside the coffin. 

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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