Monday, January 29, 2024

Anwar wolf in sheep's clothing - Daim


Former finance minister Daim Zainuddin has accused Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim’s administration of abusing its powers and abandoning reform.

In a statement issued to the press after a court appearance where he was charged with failure to comply with asset declaration requirements, Daim described Anwar as “a wolf in sheep's clothing”.

“I don't wish to say much about this political charge against me. I am not guilty and I look forward to my day in court.

“Like many others who wanted a new Malaysia, I had come out to support Pakatan Harapan and Anwar in 2018. Then, the nation was under the shadow of the 1MDB scandal.

“But now, we are under the shadow of an administration that is abusing its powers, while betraying all the promises of reform. A wolf in sheep's clothing who cries reforms, but does the polar opposite,” the octogenarian claimed.

Pointing to Anwar's deputy Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, Daim said for the sake of becoming the prime minister, Anwar gave the job to a person facing corruption charges.

“Soon after, like magic, the DPM's 47 corruption charges were dropped. Is this the new Malaysia that was promised?

“Honesty, integrity and good governance have gone out the window. Independent institutions like the MACC, Attorney-General’s Chambers and the Inland Revenue Board have been made pliable tools to pursue political opponents.

“Is this the new Malaysia that was promised?” Daim asked.

The tycoon initially attempted to read the statement aloud after he was wheeled to the area outside of the court complex lobby, where his wife, Na’imah Abdul Khalid, stood by him.

Ex-minister Daim Zainuddin being wheeled into court today

However, he was unable to muster enough strength to be heard and Nai'mah handed over the statement printout to their lawyer.

When asked, she declined to read the statement on Daim’s behalf, saying that it’s been a long morning for her husband and she was going to take him home to rest.

Their legal team also refused to read the statement out and passed out copies of it to the press instead.

Undisclosed assets

Earlier today, Daim claimed trial for failing to abide by a MACC’s notice to disclose his assets encompassing 38 firms, 25 pieces of land and property, seven luxury vehicles, and two investment fund accounts.

Daim made the plea in a small voice when he was charged under Section 36(2) of the MACC Act 2009 at the Kuala Lumpur Sessions Court this morning.

The tycoon was alleged to have committed the offence by giving a sworn written statement that did not comply with the MACC notice under Section 36(1)(a) of the same law.

Accused of committing the offence between Dec 13 and 14 last year, the 85-year-old may be jailed for up to five years and may be fined up to RM100,000.

‘I fear for the fate of my country’

Daim blasted the administration, saying that the Sedition Act, the Communication and Multimedia Act and the Peaceful Assembly Act are being wantonly used against those who speak up and criticise Anwar’s government.

"Indeed, a minister had even threatened them with police knocking at their doors.

"Anwar should know that all this is not without repercussions. As he busies himself pursuing vendettas of the past, the ringgit continues in a free fall, the economy stagnates, while the sufferings of ordinary Malaysians are ignored.

"In my twilight years, I may no longer have the physical strength, but my convictions have not wavered. But I fear for the fate of my country," said Daim, who served as finance minister in two spells, from 1984 to 1991 and from 1999 to 2001.

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