Friday, January 5, 2024

Doctor: Sudden death among those below 40 on the rise

An increasing number of the adult population aged 40 and below are experiencing Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) mainly caused by cardiac arrest and stroke.

Heart Bit E-ECP Wellness Centre founder Dr S Denesh said this may be due to shock to the cardiovascular system stemming from a sudden increase in physical activity after a prolonged period of lack of such activities during the Covid-19 lockdown.

"Physical exercise activities in our population at that time (lockdown) were lacking. When it was lifted, many of us were too quick and aggressive in our exercise, which led to an increase in the number of SADS cases.

"When your body is not trained for that long, it causes some sort of shock to the body (should one suddenly engage in intense exercise)," he said in Bernama TV's “Apa Khabar Malaysia” programme today.

Denesh said elevated stress levels, inadequate sleep and a history of cardiac diseases are also contributing factors to the occurrence of SADS.

He said symptoms of SADS and cardiac arrest are hard to tell as they occur rapidly, and as such, preventive measures such as lifestyle and dietary modifications should be taken.

"We should also learn how to execute cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), as it can increase the survival rate for those inflicted with cardiac arrest. It is important for us to identify the symptoms and start CPR right away if the person is not breathing," he said.


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