Thursday, January 4, 2024

Iran Rock And Roll : Ayatollahs Hang 30 Prisoners In Five Days. ISIS (?) Bomb Kills 103.

 2024 is set to be the year of convulsions in Iran. There are strikes and protests all over Iran. Nurses, goldsmiths, steel workers etc are striking in protest against the Ayatollahs. The panicky Ayatollahs have resorted to hanging political prisoners who have been in jail for various periods of time.

  • Ayatollah's wave of mass executions in fear of peoples' uprising 
  • from Dec 27 to 31, at least 30 prisoners hanged 
  • Thurs Dec 28 one prisoner was hanged in public in Najafabad

Yesterday there were two bomb attacks in a city called Kerman which has claimed 103 lives. The attack took place during the commemoration of the fourth anniversary of the death of the Iranian commander of the IRGC General Qasem Soleimani who was killed in an American drone strike.

  • At least 103 people killed Wed, 188 injured in Kerman 
  • twin blasts near burial site of Qasem Soleimani 
  • threatens to accelerate tensions in the region
  • 3pm 1st explosion 700 meters from Soleimani’s grave
  • bomb in suitcase inside Peugeot 405 car, detonated remotely
  • 20 mins later 2nd explosion 1 km away when others came to help
  • two blasts around 20 minutes apart, Iran's interior minister said.
  • No group claimed responsibility 
  • blast had hallmarks of terrorist attack
  • MO looks like ISIS in the past

 Here is Tom Nash with his take on this bomb attacks. Its a few minutes.


My Comments :

The bomb attacks do appear to be terrorist type attacks, designed to cause maximum death and casualties and to spread fear and terror. That is the nature of terrorist attacks.

Israeli and American strikes and assassinations usually are more surgical and pinpoint, usually designed to take out one main target. This was the case with the strikes against Qasem Soleimani (2020) and Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, the father of Iran’s nuclear program (2021).

This attack in Kerman appears to be plain-vanilla mass murder. The bombs exploded 20 minutes apart, the second bomb more deadly and designed to get more people who gathered to help.

And it was during the commemoration of the death of the IRGC Commander Qasem Soleimani. His supporters and other members of the IRGC would have been the main attendees. The IRGC is hated by many in Iran because they represent the cruel and murderous regime of the Ayatollahs. Not unlike the Khmer Rouge in Pol Pot's Cambodia or the Tonton Macoute (Tonton Makout) in Haiti under dictator Papa 'Doc' Duvalier.

So I dont think the anti-Ayatollah protesters in Iran will be feeling too much anger or resentment.  So whoever planned this attack picked their target very carefully. It creates fear and terror inside Iran and it makes the Ayatollahs look weak and not in control. 

As Tom Nash points out, in the Middle East just to appear weak itself is a death knell.

It is a bad start for the new year for the Ayatollahs. It is going to get worse.

 1979 to 2024 ? 45 years of insanity coming to an end? Lets see what happens.

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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