Monday, January 1, 2024

Ismail Sabri denies knowledge, involvement in 'Dubai Move'


Former prime minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob has denied involvement or knowledge of an alleged plot hatched in Dubai, to topple Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim's administration.

Speculations had been rife on a purported 'Langkah Dubai' (Dubai Move) that was said to have been masterminded by opposition party leaders, with help from certain representatives of the government.

Ismail, who is also a former Umno vice-president, described the attempt to associate himself with the movement as a slander.

"I don't know whether or not there is such a move. (Because) I am not involved and I did not go to Dubai.

"I was in Mecca and Medina with my family performing umrah," he said when contacted by Malaysiakini.

He said that he returned to Malaysia after performing umrah and questioned the validity of the allegations.

"From Mecca, I went straight back to Kuala Lumpur on Dec 31 at around 1am. So, how am I involved with the meeting in Dubai if I am not in Dubai?"

"It (alleged involvement) is completely defamatory," he said.

On Saturday, Department of Community Communications (J-Kom) deputy director general Ismail Yusop claimed that a movement was being planned to topple the coalition government.

Ismail Yusop said the plan dubbed ‘Dubai Move’ was hatched by several PN leaders while on a recent vacation in the Gulf state, where they were allegedly joined by several leaders from a party in government.

The meeting was held to give a specific task to the 'officer' responsible for identifying MPs who may potentially shift their support to the opposition by accepting bribes.

Refutation proof

Ismail Sabri’s special officer, Affifi Aris, reiterated yesterday that the Bera MP had boarded a direct flight to Kuala Lumpur without stopping in Dubai after safely performing umrah, as previously reported.

Affifi said this refutes the claims of some parties that Ismail was involved in the Dubai Move to change the government.

In a Facebook post, Affifi shared photographs and videos showing Ismail Sabri meeting and shaking hands with Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, who is also Umno president, after congregational prayers at Masjid Nabawi, Madinah.

Earlier this year, Ismail Sabri claimed to be the victim of a defamation attack by a party that "knows no sin" when linked to news about the 'London move'.

He responded to allegations about a secret meeting of several political leaders - including from Umno - in London who were allegedly organising a movement to realign the country's politics. - Mkini

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