Tuesday, February 27, 2024

PKR Youth wants Bersih to assist govt in implementing reforms


As Bersih started its rally at Tugu Negara this morning demanding the Anwar Ibrahim-led government to commit to its reform promises, PKR Youth urged the group to also help Putrajaya towards reaching their mutual goal.

In a statement, PKR Youth information chief Nabil Halimi said they believe Bersih should support the government's efforts to bring back political stability to the country.

"Political stability is a key to economic recovery which should also be focused on as a crucial factor towards reaching an effective reform.

"Economic gap and inequity would only thwart the reform ambition that has been fought for by the civil societies.

"Thus, we would like to call Bersih to not stop only at organising rallies to make demands, but also to be ready to lend out a hand to help the government in executing the reform agenda together," he said.

In his statement, Nabil (above) said PKR Youth welcomes the efforts of Bersih and all parties who have consistently pushed the reform agendas in the country.

However, he added, implementing reforms is a journey that has a long and difficult road.

Defending the government, Nabil said Anwar and his cabinet have introduced many improvements and reforms in the country's management since he came into power over a year ago.

He also listed out several reforms that the government had executed since Anwar took over, including the introduction of Prime Minister's Question Time in the Dewan Rakyat, passing of several important legislations including anti-stalking laws and the repeal of mandatory death sentence, formation of special select committees on corruption and legal reform, among others.

Earlier today, Bersih organised a #Reformasi100Peratus rally at the Tugu Negara compound in Kuala Lumpur, before they started marching towards the Parliament.

Dressed in black and yellow shirts, the group handed over a memorandum calling for term limits for the prime minister, enhanced whistleblower protection and a review of the Sedition Act.

In a statement yesterday, the group demanded that the government show its commitment by providing a clear direction and timeline outlining the direction of electoral and institutional reforms. - Mkini

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