Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Leave political fights outside Dewan Rakyat, speaker warns MPs

PARLIAMENT | Dewan Rakyat speaker Johari Abdul has warned MPs from both sides of the divide to leave their political fights outside the august house.

In his speech to begin today’s sitting, Johari said he and his deputies will not tolerate MPs using the Dewan Rakyat as a platform to hit out at their political adversaries.

“Whatever issues you are having outside this house, be it the ongoing war between political parties, or issues you are having on social media, please solve them outside. Don’t bring your problems into this Dewan (Rakyat).

“Any YBs (representative) found using this platform to get at their fellow MPs, we will ensure that appropriate action is taken against them.

“I have also informed this to my deputies,” he added.

Johari also reminded the MPs that they had recited the Rukun Negara inside the Dewan Rakyat earlier and hence should strive towards reaching the standards.

According to the speaker, MPs must show good examples to the rakyat who are watching the Parliament sitting through various platforms.

“Members of this house should show maturity when they speak or debate, including ‘kesopanan dan kesusilaan’ (courtesy and morality) that you recited in the Rukun Negara earlier.

“My deputies and I will be strict, we will not tolerate and will take action if any of the members of this house fail to follow the rules,” Johari said. - Mkini

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