Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Move to split up Malaysia-Singapore Airlines caused MAS’s decline, says Izham


Malaysia Aviation Group managing director Izham Ismail said Malaysia Airlines is currently reinvesting in hardware such as seats and upgrading its in-flight dining and cabin services.

LANGKAWI: The emergence of low-cost carriers did not contribute to Malaysia Airlines’ decline, Malaysia Aviation Group managing director Izham Ismail said.

Rather it was the decision by the Malaysian and Singapore governments to break up Malaysia-Singapore Airlines, into Malaysian Airline System or MAS (as it was then known as) and Singapore Airlines in 1972.

The Malaysian government wanted to develop a domestic network, while the Singapore government wanted more international routes, he said during a Q&A session at Routes Asia 2024, hosted by Malaysia Airports Holdings Bhd (MAHB) and Tourism Malaysia.

He said in deciding to split these two airlines “we set up MAS to fail on the very first day”.

He did not elaborate.

MAG is the parent company of the present Malaysia Airlines.

Izham went on to say that a robust network was needed to make the carrier competitive again.

And now after 32 months, it has funds which he said could be used to reinvest.

He said they were currently reinvesting in hardware such as seats and upgrading their in-flight dining and cabin services.

He also said that its partnership with MAHB, which operates the airports nationwide, was the key to its progress.

Saying MAHB was making progress at KLIA and was on the right track, he hoped things would move faster so that travellers would want to stop in Malaysia. - FMT

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