Thursday, February 1, 2024

PM 'hypocritical' on anti-corruption, says Pejuang amid Najib uncertainty

While former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak’s bid for freedom remains unclear, Pejuang has slammed Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim’s anti-corruption effort as “hypocritical”.

“Where is Anwar’s promise to fight corruption?

“Is it by launching new probes on old political leaders who are considered his enemies, while releasing leaders who have been sentenced by the court? Isn’t this hypocrisy?” said Pejuang president Mukhriz Mahathir.

“Won’t this show that Anwar’s actions are all motivated by political interests only when a part of the Madani government consists of BN MPs?

“In fact, Umno president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi was appointed deputy prime minister and the investigation and trial on him was dropped,” he added.

The former Jerlun MP, in a statement today, also lamented that millions would be disappointed should Najib’s pardon go through.

Pejuang president Mukhriz Mahathir

He was referring to a Channel News Asia report citing government sources that Najib’s 12-year jail sentence was reduced to six years.

“This will let down millions of Malaysians who were determined to topple the BN government led by Najib in 2018 as a result of misappropriation of money, abuse of power, and corruption,” Mukhriz said.

Therefore, he said the people have the right to question matters concerning the pardon.

“After Pakatan Harapan led by Dr Mahathir Mohamad won the 14th general election in 2018 and took office, an investigation was initiated to find proof of Najib and his accomplices’ doings.

“The people witnessed properties worth hundreds of millions of ringgit seized from Najib and (Najib’s wife) Rosmah (Mansor)’s house,” he said, adding that Najib was found guilty and sentenced to 12 years and fined RM210 million after a two-year court case.

Yesterday, CNA reported that Najib’s sentence will be cut down by half, placing his release date around August 2028.

Najib at court, Sept 15, 2023

However, the report noted that Najib may be released earlier with parole for good behaviour in August 2026 after serving two-thirds of his sentence.

Malaysiakini is unable to independently verify this.

Meanwhile, government spokesperson Fahmi Fadzil urged local and international media practitioners “not to jump the gun and wait for the official statement from the Pardons Board”.

Fahmi also denied being the source of CNA’s report.

‘Govt cannot remain silent’

Meanwhile, Mukhriz said the people are unable to experience relief as they still bear the burden of Najib’s crime of misappropriating public funds.

“So, the government representatives in the Pardons Board nor the government itself cannot remain silent and place the burden of explanation on His Majesty the Yang di-Pertuan Agong.

“The people want to know Anwar’s administration’s stance on the issue of pardoning Najib,” he stressed.

He also brought up rumours that Najib’s sentence will be commuted to house arrest.

“If true, then the world will laugh at the country’s legal system.

Mukhriz also accused Anwar of being an “opportunist, who is willing to turn his back on principles just for power”.

“The people’s complaints regarding the increase in the cost of living are ignored. Instead, the focus is on perverse political actions to ensure the continuation of their power.

“The people must reject Anwar’s government.” - Mkini

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