Sunday, March 3, 2024

Rafidah: Fahmi told me he is not behind IJN post block

Former minister Rafidah Aziz said Communications Minister Fahmi Fadzil had explained to her that he did not issue instructions to block one of her recent Facebook posts.

This came after Rafidah decried the alleged censorship which led to her Feb 27 post on pensioners treated at the National Heart Institute (IJN) being visible only to herself, and not her followers, unless they were using a virtual private network (VPN).

“He said he was not involved in instructing (Facebook) to block (the post),” she told Malaysiakini today.

“They (the government) are afraid of their own shadows.”

Rafidah defended her post on the alleged “unfair” discharge of government pensioners from IJN, even if they still needed specialised care that only the institute can provide.

“It is not fake news. There are facts and figures on those removed from the IJN heart patients list.

“That cannot be denied,” she said.

Health Minister Dzulkefly Ahmad previously clarified that IJN was not turning away pensioners.

Citing Dzulkefly’s response, Fahmi’s special functions officer Farhan Zulkefly said the Health Ministry had reported Rafidah’s post to the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC), after which Facebook confirmed that it contained “fake news”.

Communications Minister Fahmi Fadzil

Taking to X, Farhan said Rafidah is free to submit an appeal to Facebook regarding her post.

“There’s no need for me to appeal (to Facebook), it’s a waste of time,” Rafidah said.

Her initial post was written in response to a letter published on CodeBlue, where an unnamed pensioner claimed that he was discharged after receiving extensive care at IJN due to an alleged government directive that all civil servants and pensioners should be discharged to the Health Ministry cardiac centre nearest to their homes. - Mkini

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