Saturday, March 30, 2024

Customs vows full cooperation with MACC in investigation of 34 officers allegedly involved in smuggling activities

 The Customs Department has pledged its full cooperation with the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) in its probes into 34 of its officers for allegedly being involved in the smuggling of billions-worth of contraband items.

KUALA LUMPUR: The Customs Department has pledged its full cooperation with the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) in its probes into 34 of its officers for allegedly being involved in the smuggling of billions-worth of contraband items.

The Customs Department, through its public relations department, said they would review practices, procedures, and work protocols to close gaps and opportunities for corruption.

It said any action against the officers would be made based on the results of MACC's investigation.

"The Customs Department takes note of the arrest of 34 officers in a press conference today.

"We will seek views and suggestions from the MACC Inspection and Consultation Division for improvements.

"The department will always closely cooperate with MACC in combating corruption in line with our main agenda of upholding the department's reputation in the eyes of the public," it said in a statement.

It added that it will not compromise or protect any officers involved in misconduct and integrity violations, including corruption crimes.

"The department wishes to affirm that our stance is clear and firm, where we will not compromise or protect any officers and members involved in misconduct and integrity violations, including corruption crimes.

"We will provide full cooperation to SPRM for further investigation," it said.

It added that the department is continuously taking proactive measures to curb corruption and leakages at border checkpoints.

This includes improving import and export procedures at the country's entry points, especially regarding manifest or airway bill control and declaration to ensure compliance and good governance, as well as establishing check and balance elements.

"We had also strengthened the implementation of integrity screening processes for the department's officers which are placed in high-risk areas including for import and export processes.

"We are also intensifying enforcement operations to combat smuggling," it said.

Earlier today, MACC chief commissioner Tan Sri Azam Baki said 34 customs officers were detained, suspected of being involved in the illegal smuggling of contraband items, resulting in up to RM2 billion in losses for the country in two years.

He said the illegal smuggling of chewing tobacco, cigarettes, alcohol, health products, and vehicle spare parts was conducted through the Import/Export Branch at Kuala Lumpur International Airport Cargo, Sepang.

Azam said the officers involved allegedly received bribes in exchange for allowing cargo to pass through without checks or declaration. - NST

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