Friday, March 29, 2024

No RM30 burgers sold at Johor Ramadan bazaar – ministry

There are no stalls selling RM30 burgers or RM40 roti john at the Ramadan bazaar in Taman Suria as alleged in a viral video clip, the Johor Domestic Trade and Cost of Living Ministry said.

Its branch director, Lilis Saslinda Pornomo, said on average burgers were priced around RM6 to RM10, and roti john at RM6 to RM15.

This was based on inspections carried out under “Op Samar” at the bazaar over the last two days.

“Enforcement officers also found there were no plastic bag charges imposed by traders at the Ramadan bazaar, as alleged,” she said in a statement today.

Lilis said so far only one compound was issued at the bazaar, under the Price Control and Anti-Profiteering Act (AKHAP) 2011, for failing to display a price tag.

Recently, a video clip went viral on TikTok and Facebook, uploaded by an individual who claimed that traders at the bazaar were charging 50 sen for plastic containers, in addition to selling overpriced burgers at RM30 and roti john at RM40.

Lilis added that to date, the Johor Domestic Trade and Cost of Living Ministry has carried out 727 inspections at Ramadan bazaars under “Op Pantau”.

She said three compounds under the Price Control and Anti-Profiteering Act 2011 had been issued since March 12.


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