Monday, April 29, 2024

Bomb blast at Sg Golok, cops tighten Malaysia-Thai border

The police have tightened the Malaysia-Thai border after a bomb explosion and gunfire were believed to have occurred in the Gualosira area of Pasemas District, Sungai Golok, Narathiwat Province, early this morning.

Inspector-General of Police Razarudin Husain said the police will also collaborate with Thai authorities.

“The safety of residents residing near the border area must be prioritised, including the safety of our police personnel on duty in the area,” he told Bernama today.

Thailand’s Narathiwat province borders Kelantan and Perak.

Razarudin said all state police chiefs, especially those from Kelantan, Perlis, Kedah, and Perak, have also been instructed to be on high alert regarding the incident.

Meanwhile, Commander of the Southeast Brigade of the General Operations Force Sheik Azhar Sheik Omar said his team is on standby, including conducting foot and motorcycle patrols along the 16 static posts near the border area.

“We believe that the incident occurred on the Thailand side near the Rantau Panjang border area.

“We have 16 static posts along Sungai Golok starting from Pos Ibrahim Pencen to Pos Ular in Pengkalan Kubor, Tumpat,” he said, adding that roadblocks have also been mounted since 6am with six members operating continuously.

Earlier, a video clip related to the incident went viral after it was uploaded by local residents on Facebook and TikTok.


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