Thursday, April 25, 2024

'Deliberate negligence': Student group slams UM over pro-Israel don invite


As criticisms mount over Universiti Malaya’s decision to invite a pro-Israel academic to its programmes, its student union has joined the chorus of voices questioning the university management’s decision.

In a statement, UM Students’ Union (UMSU) referred to the decision to invite Bruce Gilley as a “deliberate negligence”.

“The speech (by Gilley) has upset many undergraduates, especially us from UMSU.

“There is nothing wrong with academic freedom but the speech was used to spread Zionist ideology.

“Such ‘deliberate negligence’ of inviting someone with a questionable record cannot be excused,” it said.

On April 23, the Portland State University’s political science professor accused local politicians of advocating for a second Holocaust against the Jews during a speech at UM.

‘Second Holocaust’

A check by Malaysiakini revealed that Gilley (above) made the remarks during his keynote address at a lecture titled “Will Malaysia become an active middle power?”.

In his address, Gilley said a country whose political leaders “advocate a second Holocaust against the Jewish people will never be a serious player in world affairs and will certainly never be a friend or partner of the US.”

Gilley also shared excerpts from his address on his X account. He cited a remark by Agriculture and Food Security Minister Mohamad Sabu at a rally in October last year that “Israel will soon disappear” as an example of an anti-Jew remark.

This contrasts with Malaysia’s official position on resolving the Israel-Palestine conflict, which calls for Israel and Palestine to coexist peacefully based on pre-1967 borders with East Jerusalem as the capital of an independent Palestinian state.

Following an uproar over Gilley’s remarks, Higher Education Minister Zambry Abdul Kadir cancelled all programmes and activities involving Gilley and ordered a probe.

“I have also instructed UM to probe the matter and provide the ministry with details,” he was reported as saying.

Gilley had since left Malaysia, saying: “I have safely departed from Malaysia, one step ahead of the Islamo-fascist mob whipped up by the government there. This is not a safe country to travel to now. Updates to follow.”

On that note, UMSU said UM’s management must explain the matter with great urgency to quell any misconception that may arise from the matter.

In the future, the group added, UM’s management should include UMSU in all programmes being planned.

“The varsity should also get UMSU president’s approval or, at the very least, from our highest decision-making body before making any future programmes.

“This is to ensure such an incident never occurs again in our university,” it said, calling on students to not speculate on the matter.

‘Look who’s talking’

Amanah’s political bureau chief Raja Bahrin Shah said it was hypocritical and ironic for Gilley to accuse local leaders of seeking a “second Holocaust” when Israel is being assisted by the US to commit genocide in Gaza.

“Say what you want but the fact is the US continues to provide Israel with bombs and ammunition to slaughter over 34,000 Palestinians since October 2023.

“Making things worse, the US continues to block any resolutions from the United Nations to compel Israel to a ceasefire,” he added.

Amanah political bureau chief Raja Bahrin Shah

As such, Raja Bahrin said those like Gilley have no moral standing to preach to Malaysians what is right and wrong.

Hurling brickbats at those who invited Gilley, the Amanah leader urged the former to study the US’ past – which is riddled with slavery and racial discrimination.

“Check back why icons like Martin Luther King Jr and Malcolm X became celebrated figures among the minority communities there.

“Perhaps, these people should visit Israel and see how its apartheid practices are in action - backed by its military and the US.”

Heads must roll

PKR Youth also condemned UM’s decision, stressing that the genocide in Gaza was not an academic discourse but proof of Israel’s cruelty against Palestinians.

“While we appreciate UM for cancelling the academic’s future events, an investigation must be carried out into how Gilley was allowed in in the first place.

“Someone must take responsibility for not vetting the ‘pro-genocide’ man’s background,” it added. - Mkini

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